Caregivers can suffer from a variety of physical and emotional burdens whether they are a part-time or full-time caregiver. They may deal with losing sleep, lack [...]
My father is in a nursing home and receives Medicaid. My mother just passed away a month ago, and the nursing home informed me they will be requesting his disability income. I have a sister [...]
Can my disabled son keep his current medical plan that he has with Medicaid when he qualifies for Medicare early next year? My son is a Disabled Adult Child and is collecting SSI on the work [...]
Among adults aged 18 and older in the United States, estimates suggest that about 125,000 have Down syndrome. It remains the main genetic cause of intellectual [...]
I have named short-term and long-term guardians for a minor special needs child. My understanding is that will avoid guardianship proceedings in court. Can I do the same once the child is over [...]
Some students need a tailored educational plan to make the most of their time in school. A 504 plan may be the best way for parents and guardians to support [...]