If you have a child with special needs, you may be wondering how you can ensure that their educational needs will be met and they will get the most out of their school experience. You [...]
In May 2024, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and its Office for Civil Rights published a final rule strengthening protections for people with disabilities.
Approximately 95 percent of personal injury cases settle before trial. For those cases that result in a trial, more than 90 percent end with an injured person or surviving family winning the [...]
You may have heard the terms "special" needs trust and "supplemental" needs trust and wondered what the difference is. The short answer is that there's no difference. Here's the long answer.
Many low-income people with disabilities use special needs trusts to remain eligible for public assistance. While you can qualify for the Section 8 [...]
I would like to give my sister Power of Attorney (POA) over my personal bank account. My sister is on SSI. I am the trustee of her Special Needs Trust. She would not have POA or access to the [...]
I am receiving $1,960 per month on SSDI. I am using my 85-year-old father's Honda. (I have a rusted, unsafe to drive 1995 Jeep Wrangler that I am scrapping for $500.) When Dad passes, I get [...]
Does a court-appointed legal guardian over an adult with mental illness have any say regarding the medications their ward is being treated with in a court-ordered hospitalization in a state [...]