Imagine not being able to marry or even live with the person you love. The recently released documentary Patrice: The Movie, now available on Hulu, addresses this emotionally [...]
In a new report, an independent committee outlines recommended strategies for improving community integration for the more than 7 million people in the U.S. with intellectual and [...]
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017 made significant changes to the U.S. tax code. Many of its provisions are set to expire, or "sunset," at the end of 2025. It also made three key [...]
ABLE accounts can enhance quality of life for people with disabilities, offering financial protection while preserving access to public benefits for some individuals. [...]
A structured settlement is ideally suited as partial or full funding for a first-party special needs trust with a disabled beneficiary. It also lowers administration costs since only trust [...]
By law, the Social Security Administration must attempt to recoup any overpayments it has issued, even if they were made by mistake. In many cases, the SSA would withhold entire checks [...]
Over the past year, the Social Security Administration has been making numerous improvements to its SSI program. These changes will make things a bit easier for SSI applicants as well as [...]